Retail-Office for lease at Route 110 Merrimack Street Plaza

Price: - 0 -
Address: 126 Merrimack St. (Route 110), Unit #6
City: Methuen
State: MA
ZIP: 01844
Lease Rate: $2,000.00/Monthly plus Utilities
Square Feet: 1,398+/- sq. ft. retail-office (rear space)
Lot Sqft: - 0 -
Zoning: ZONED Highway Commercial -- permitted uses include general retail stores, personal service shops, and/or business & professional offices, etc.
MLS #:

Additional Features:

1,398+/- sq. ft. retail-office (rear space) available at Route 110 Merrimack Street Plaza. FEATURES: suitable for karate/martial arts; dance studio, etc.; frontage Route 110/Merrimack Street; excellent location with heavy traffic count; 19,00+/- cars per day (estimated). ACCESS: Via interstate Route 495 to Exit-46, take a left turn off the interstate, and proceed to the building on the left.